Your Support is Greatly Appreciated!
The Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network organizes many events and community outreach activities throughout the year. Your donations will help in many different ways. Below are just a few examples of where your dollars can be allocated.
Youth United
This is a group of young people who are mental health ambassadors, spreading the message of good mental health throughout Wayne County. They have many events throughout the year including Courageous Conversations, Stigma-Busting workshops, Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day, Youth Spotlight Awards and many more.
This is a group of young people who are mental health ambassadors, spreading the message of good mental health throughout Wayne County. They have many events throughout the year including Courageous Conversations, Stigma-Busting workshops, Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day, Youth Spotlight Awards and many more.
Dreams Come True
Your donations will allow DWIHN to provide "mini-grants" to help people receiving services with turning their dreams into reality. For example, past donations have been used for business ventures and self-improvement initiatives such as taking classes or learning a new skill.
Reaching for the Stars
This is an elegant evening of dinner, dancing, and special recognition. The event is a collective effort of the 10 Detroit Wayne Clubhouses whose members plan and coordinate the event which recognizes members, their community of supports, and their peers living with intellectual, developmental, and substance use disorders. The event further aims to raise awareness about clubhouses and similar programs that support people with mental health, disability or substance use related concerns.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) holds its annual walk in Detroit as a way of stomping out stigma associated with mental illness. Each year, DWIHN has a team of walkers who come out to show their support. Money donated will allow the organization to continue to advocate and educate, promoting mental health awareness throughout the community.
If you require assistance or more information, please contact our Communications Director Tiffany Devon at