DWIHN Raises Awareness of Innovative MedDrop Program to Support its Members
DETROIT, MI – January 29, 2025 – The Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWIHN), in partnership with Genoa Healthcare, is working to better serve its members throughout Detroit and Wayne County with a novel community-based intervention called MedDrop.
Med Drop is a direct service program that focuses on improving medication adherence for adults who have chronic problems taking medications in the prescribed manner. Following and taking medication as prescribed is a critical component to successful treatment for individuals receiving care.
“Med Drop helps us directly support our members in the most impactful and important ways possible,” said James White, DWIHN President and CEO. “Adhering to medication and prescriptions is one of the most important parts of treatment.”
The program offers medication delivery directly to where the person is living 365 days a year. The designated technician is tasked with observing the individual self-administer their own medication.
Diane Cranston, Genoa Healthcare’s Med Drop Program Manager stated “The Med Drop Program helps to keep participants out of the psychiatric hospital”
The technician will stay and help members by asking how the person is feeling after taking the medication and if they are experiencing any side effects. They will also assess the individual’s physical appearance, behavior and speech.
In addition, they educate members about their specific medications and assist in identifying and implementing strategies to take medications as prescribed.
For more information and to see if you are eligible for the MedDrop program, call 313-696-0895 or email: meddrop@dwihn.org.