Dr. Cynthia Taueg, Chairperson

As Vice-President of Ambulatory & Community Health Services for St. John Providence Health System, she is responsible for administrative oversight and leadership for numerous outpatient and community-based services and programs.
She currently serves on several boards including the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network, the Board of Adult Well-Being Services and Advantage Health Centers. She is co-author of a book entitled Taking Care of the Uninsured: A Path to Reform released in 2008. As a member of the DWIHN Board of Directors, she also serves as Vice-Chairperson of the Program Compliance Committee, and Chairperson of the Policy Committee.
She is the recipient of numerous local and national awards including the American Medical Association's Nathan Davis Award and Black Caucus Foundation of Michigan Partners in Progress Award.
Dr. Taueg began her career as a registered nurse graduating from Wayne State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree. Later she received a Masters Degree in Public Health from the University of Michigan and Doctorate in Health Administration (DHA) from Central Michigan University.