Substance Use Disorder Health Homes (SUDHH)

Substance Use Disorder Health Homes

The Substance Use Disorder Health Home is a “model of care” that coordinates your health needs. The reason this is so significant is that it is comprised of primary care and specialty behavioral health providers, bridging the gap between the two distinct delivery systems to provide optimal integrated care. It is specialized and personalized care focused on recovery-centered services. People diagnosed with an Substance Use Disorder and who are receiving benefits such as Medicaid, Healthy Michigan, Freedom to Work, Healthy Kids Expansion and MIChild are eligible.

Individuals eligible for this benefit will receive access to a team of healthcare professionals, referrals to appropriate community and support services, comprehensive care management, care tailored to your specific needs, individual and family support.

For more information, please call the DWIHN Access Center Helpline at 800-241-4949 or reach out to your current Provider if you’re already receiving services.