Integrated Healthcare

What is Integrated Healthcare (IHC)?

Integrated Health Care is a systematic, holistic approach to the overall care of an individual. It is the coordination of services for physical health, mental health, substance use disorder, and development disabilities.  Integrated care addresses the whole person.  Combining medical care with behavioral health allows the full spectrum of health concerns an individual presents with to be addressed.

In Detroit-Wayne County, integrated health care will give individuals and family members comprehensive and easy access to recovery-oriented supports and services from heath care professionals who are welcoming and trained to deliver integrated health care that meets the individual’s needs.  Medical and behavioral health professionals work together as a team to improve the overall health and well-being of each individual at any provider location.

Complex Case Management

Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWIHN) offers a Complex Case Management (CCM) program for eligible individuals who might benefit from more intensive care coordination services.  The CCM program is designed to support individuals with complex behavioral health and medical concerns who need to be linked to services and appropriate community resources.
Criteria for acceptance into the CCM program include:
  1. The presence of complex behavioral health and medical health concerns that require a higher level of care  i.e., specialized residential services - and intensity of services
  2. The use of extensive behavioral health utilization within a 12 month period
  3. The individual’s willingness to actively participate in CCM as the program is voluntary
For more details, members please contact 1-888-490-9698 or providers can fill out the referral form and email to  There is no cost to individuals who are interested in participating in the CCM program.  The CCM team is looking forward to working with individuals to improve overall quality of life and well-being.